Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This Week @ FBCG: Student Dedication Edition

Hey Parents,

I hope you and your families had a blessed Easter weekend!  Easter is always an encouraging reminder to me to try to live my life in a way worthy of what Christ did for us on the cross!  I hope you had some time to reflect on what Christ did you too!

This is another exciting week @ FBC because we should be back in our sanctuary this here's some info for you about a few things this week:

1.  IGNITE is tonight....We're starting a series on dating tonight, so we know that will be fun!!  We'll play a game, worship together and then dive into God's word for some Bible study.  Doors to The Attic open @5:45...see your students there!

2.  Sunday morning during our 10:30 service we will be having a special prayer time for our students and their families.  As I hope everyone is aware, the last several weeks we've been talking through purity and God's design for our hearts and bodies.  We'll be wrapping that series up this Sunday in Sunday School and so we want to close this time out with a time where students and parents can commit to praying and seeking God's will for their lives.  During the 10:30 service, students and parents will be asked to come forward to the altar to pray together in family groups.  Even if you normally attend the 8:30 service, I encourage you and your family to consider hanging around for the first few minutes of the 10:30 service to participate in this corporate time of prayer and commitment.  Some parents will be giving Purity rings during this time which is welcomed.  Our students will be facing many tough choices and decisions in the years to come and I hope you as parents will commit to lifting them up in prayer daily!!  Please let me know if you have any questions about this time!

3.  Sunday night will be our last "Recess" class for our parents.  We've had a great time discussing all kinds of things together on Sunday nights and if you haven't been able to join us yet, I encourage you to give it a shot this week.  We'll be up in The Attic @6:00, while guys and girls Bible studies will be going on at the regular times and places.

That's all I 've got for you guys this week...again please let me know if you have any questions about our family prayer time this Sunday...we'll see ya then!


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