Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Reading Romans

Hey Parents,

Wow, what a busy week we have at FBCG this week....we had a great night at Moss-Wright for the Pumpkin Fest last night, we have BIGNITE tomorrow night for our students, and then we have our annual women's event on Friday night...a lot of stuff going on!  So you're getting a very BRIEF Sunday School update today!  The students looked at the first 12 verses of Romans, chapter 14 so let's take a quick look at what the students talked about!

Romans 14:1-4
Paul encouraged believers to accept one another without criticism despite their differences over lesser issues.  The ground for mutual respect among Christians was God's gracious acceptance of them all.

Romans 14:5-9
The apostle went on to illustrate the debatable differences that could exist, including differences over what was acceptable to eat and the observance of various religious festivals and traditions.  Paul called on Christians to find unity and respect for one another centered on their sincere mutual commitment to the Lord.

Romans 14:10
Paul questioned why any Christian would feel it was OK to criticize or look down on another believer.  After all, Christians are spiritual brothers and sisters.

Romans 14:10-12
The apostle reminded both stronger and weaker Christians that ultimately all will give account of themselves to God.

Have a great Tuesday and tomorrow we'll share what's going down at BIGNITE!


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