Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Series "Babel" kicking off tomorrow night in The Attic!

Hey Parents,

We will  be kicking off a new series called "Babel with our students tomorrow, September 14.  Here's a preview for you guys!

What We're Talking About
Here is an overview of what we're talking about.  Listed below the summary is a "parent cue" to help you dialog with your child about the session.  The question is intended not just to be asked by you, but to be responded to by BOTH of you.  Use this opportunity to find out what God is teaching your student, and allow your student to see what God is teaching you as well.

Babel: Series Overview
What does a tower in ancient times built to reach the heavens and a cell phone have in common?  A lot more than you think.  The people responsible for the tower of Babel, we'll call them the Babel-ers, took the technology, the tools of their day and used them in a way that elevated themselves and took God out of the picture.  And the reality is that you and I have tools in our hands, the technology of our day, that we take and use in similar ways.  The technology itself isn't bad or good.  It's neutral.  But like the people of Babel, how we choose to use technology is important - it reflects the kind of relationship we have with it.  And the right kind of relationship with technology will help us to do the right kinds of things with it.

Session One: I Heart Technology (September 14)
Many of us are in a serious relationship - with technology.  We love it.  We need it.  It's a big part of our lives.  But some of us could care less.  We're just not that into it.  We don't need to text someone every minute.  Some of us don't even have a Facebook page. (Gasp.)  But whether we are totally committed to it, or could easily see our lives without it, we can't escape the reality that technology exists in our lives and in the lives of your kids!  And that's not always a bad thing.  Because technology isn't evil.  But what we do with it, how we use it, says a lot about our relationship with it.
Session One Parent Question: What is my relationship with technology (You may want to answer this one for each other....let your kid tell you what they see and then you let your student know what you see their relationship with technology as.)

Session Two: My Profile (September 21)
Who are you?  That's a good question.  You can let everyone know who you think you are.  You can upload pictures, list out your likes and dislikes and have people comment on your clever posts - allowing other people to get an idea of who you are.  But what if in the effort to try to manipulate our identity we have lost sight of who we really are?  And who are we really?  Who really has that say?  Technology gives you the illusion that you do, but what if our real identity went much deeper than what our latest status or profile said of us?  Technology does not have the final word on who we are.  It never has.  But who does?
Session Two Parent Question: If I took away all my technology, how would I feel about myself?  You may want to try this as an experiment one weekend.  No cell phones, no computers, etc...

Session Three: Social Network (September 28)
Today's technology gives us the ability to connect with people in more ways than ever before.  And with that ability comes an incredible power - the capacity to affect other people.  We can use technology to encourage people or show compassion.  We can use technology to help people in need.  Or we can use technology to hurt, slander or even destroy someone.  So how will you use technology?  How will you use this tool to affect the people around you?
Session Three Parent Question:  How can we use technology to do good as a family?

As always, please remember that you guys are always welcome to come and hang out with us in The Attic anytime you're interested to see what The Attic is all about!  Tomorrow night's gonna be a good one so I hope to see some of you up there!


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