Hey Parents,
Good Tuesday morning!! Can you believe that it's already November 14th!! Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I hope your family is making plans to spend some quality time together over the next few weeks! Here's what's going on with our youth family over the next week:
1. IGNITE is tonight...and we're starting a new series called Reversing Darwin...Have you every felt weak? Powerless? Abandoned? Overlooked? We've all felt this way at one time or another. And when we feel like the world doesn't see us and we are less than fit to make it, we start to believe that only the strong survive. But God doesn't work that way. Because God sees the hurt, the neglect, and the times that we have been ignored and taken advantage of. God sees past the labels we give ourselves - and others. And because God sees, we are no longer powerless. Because God sees, God will act on our behalf. We'll break this down tonight using everything from Survivor to Twilight to Taylor Swift! We'll also play a game called Superman and just have a good time hanging out together! Doors to The Attic open @ 5:45!!
2. Next Wednesday night, November 21st we will have NO ACTIVITIES going on in honor of Thanksgiving week!!
3. Wednesday night, December 5th we will have our BIGNITE Christmas Party at the Kelly house (right across the street from the church) from 5:30 - 7:30. More info to come on that next week!
4. On Sunday night, December 2nd we will be having a church-wide Christmas Dinner for Missions. This will be a great night to come and fellowship together as a church and for you as a family to choose a mission project to donate to that night. The meal is free so even if you don't usually come on Sunday nights, please try to make plans to join us that night...It has the potential to be a really special night for your families!!
Thanks guys and have a great week!
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