Tuesday, August 21, 2012

This Week @ FBCG: Finally!! School is on!

Hey Parents,

What a long crazy couple of weeks we've had (at least for our Sumner Co. kids) but we finally have gotten the 2012-13 school year underway!  Fall is fast approaching and summer will be in the rearview mirror before we know it....what a perfect time to make sure that your student is getting off to a good semester both academically but also spiritually!!  And we want to help with that @FBCG....so please make it a priority to send your students on Wednesday and Sundays!!  The last 2 Wednesday nights we've averaged 37 students (Awesome!!) but we are still missing many familiar faces (both old and new) so send your students to be a part of what God's doing in our ministry!!

A few things for ya:

1.  INTERSECT concludes tomorrow night at IGNITE.  Hopefully if your students have been with us the last 2 weeks they have gotten the idea that God chose to intersect with the world.  And hopefully they understand that because of Jesus' death and resurrection, we have become the temple of God.  But the question that always shows up now is, "Now what?"  And the answer lies within each of us.  Because, through God's choice to dwell inside of us, we are now partners with God in bringing heaven to earth.  We are the way that God has chosen to show Himself to the world.  So when we are frustrated, angry or hurt - or when we are broken-hearted for someone else who is - we can pray with the confidence that God is working to make things right.  And we can live in the wonder of a God that wants to use us to make that future hope a present reality!  We'll be talking with students about the idea of what praying "Heaven come now..." means for them...gonna be a good night as we'll have some music, we'll play "Slide Your Buns" and do some Bible study...doors to The Attic open @ 5:45!

2.  Sunday nights students can be a part of our Generation Change study where we examine the principles surrounding money from a Biblical view.  This curriculum put out by Dave Ramsey can be an excellent resource in giving your students some very valuable principles that will come to serve them throughout life!  Kathy Decker is leading this time in The Attic from 6-7 so we'd love to see your students!

3.  Next Wednesday night, August 29th, we'll be having a "Crash Time" at Moss-Wright Park...we'll toss some frisbee, play some volleyball and just crash for an hour....students can and should meet at Moss-Wright volleyball court at 5:45 and can be picked up from the park at 7:15.  Students are welcome to bring a sack dinner with them.

4.  On Wednesday night, September 5th we will be having our BIGNITE:OMC.  This is going to be a wild and crazy night for our students.  We will provide food and music for them and then we'll play a school vs. school round of OMC which stands for Organized Mass Chaos.  It's gonna be crazy messy so students might want to bring an extra set of clothes or some trash bags for the ride home!

To close out a few thoughts for you guys as parents:

As parents, you guys set the stage for the way our families view and interact with the world.  And this is especially true for our kids.  How we spend our money, our time, our resources - our lives - sends a clear signal to our families about what is most important to us.  Throughout our Intersect series your students have been learning about their role as co-laborers with God.  And what this means is that your student has an important role to play in God's story.  Just as they are.  As young as they are.  As silly as they are.  As creative as they are.  They are the exact person God wants to use to effect change in this world.  And your ability and willingness to support them can give wings to their God-given desire to reach out and make a difference.

So, take a moment to dig deep and reflect on how you can support your son or daughter's role as a co-laborer with God as you answer these questions:

1.  Where have you seen your student get fired up to serve or to impact change in their world?  Maybe it's been through a service opportunity with their youth group or a passion that was fueled after seeing a film about the needs of people half way around the world.  Think about the thing that breaks your student's heart or gets them excited.  Then, think about the gifts that you have seen expressed in their lives since they were little.  How can these passions and gifts come together to make a change?  Take some time this week to tell your student where and how you them putting together their passions and gifts to make a difference in their world.

2.  How can you encourage that desire and create opportunities through your community, work relationships, church relationships, etc..?  After you have talked about the issues your student is passionate about and the gifts they possess, brainstorm some resources that you have as a family.  Maybe there are people you know that are directly involved with a particular cause.  Or, maybe you have the skills to navigate the internet and make calls to get the ball rolling for your student.  Think through ways you can support your student's involvement in God's story of reconciliation.  It may even be as simple as praying with them over the things that are close to their heart - whether it's a global issue or a close friend who they are concerned about.

The bottom line is that when your student feels encouraged and supported by you in both word and deed, they will be able to take the amazing ideas and gifts that God has placed in them and do amazing things.  And you will get to share in the joy of watching them bring God's heavenly kingdom to Earth

Have a great week!

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