We've had quite a busy few weeks here in the life of our church at FBCG, so it's nice to welcome a "normal" week this week! Here are a few bits of info for you this week:
1. IGNITE is TONIGHT! Last week we started a new series on dating and we will continue that tonight as we talk about break-ups and how to go through it or initiate it in a way pleasing to God. We'll also play some Bear, Hunter, Ninja! Doors to The Attic open @ 5:45...hope to see your student there!
2. This coming Sunday morning, we'll be starting a new study on the book of Luke during our Sunday School time. After 5 weeks of "sex talk", I think we all will welcome a new direction!!
3. Sunday night Bible studies are still going for our guys and girls even though all of our adult classes have ended for the semester. Bible studies start at 6 PM and are at the Kelly house (girls) and McMillan house (guys).
4. The week of June 4-8 we are going to be hosting 2 exciting events here @FBCG. We will be hosting VBS and GFUGE. More information will be coming your way about GFUGE in the upcoming weeks, but we are looking for 4 to 5 homes that would be willing to let students crash in the evenings during the week. If you would be willing to consider hosting a group, please let me know!
That's it for this week! Check out a thought for you guys below:
Honor: Who We Are Not What We Do
We're approaching the time of the school year when we'll honor our young people: from high school graduates in their cap-and-gowns and life-will-change-forever speeches to kindergarteners earning ribbons for tying their shoes to "participation trophies" for you name the sport. It's pretty easy to get honored by somebody during this season of accomplishment.
Honor, though, is more than a shelf full of trophies or even a yearbook full of accolades.
True honor comes not because of what someone has done, but because of who someone is.
Lexographer Samuel Johnson defined honor in this 18th century old-school way: "nobility of soul....magnamity.....a scorn of meanness." I like that last one....wouldn't we all be better off if we had a "scorn of meanness?" Honor is about a quality of virtue, not a quantity of accomplishments.
When we define honor that way, it doesn't come and go with seasons of approval and distress. When we honor people because of who they are instead of what they have done, honor becomes a permanent attitude, an enduring way of regarding someone with hope and respect.
Stuff may lose value over time, but not people. If we see people the way God sees people...If we allow honor to flow from our own relationship with God...we'll be less likely to practice a strings-attached honor and more likely to reflect His unconditional care and compassionate understanding.
One of the best ways we can honor God is by honoring those who reflect the image of God, and that's everybody. For our kids, that means we can teach them from an early age to live out Romans 12:10: "Love each other deeply. Honor others more than yourselves."
When someone understands the principle of honor, it changes the way they treat everyone.
- They tend to see people that are typically overlooked by society, with a different kind of value.
- They tend to see those who are in authority with a different kind of respect.
- They tend to see their peers with a different kind of appreciation.
People start showing honor when they understand those around them were created by God, and in the image of God. As parents, you have an opportunity to teach our children to look at the people around them in a different way and value them not for their accomplishments, but for their true worth.
Have a great week,
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