Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reading Romans

Hey Parents,

Well, it's another busy week here at FBCG as we prepare for our big FOCUS weekend...if you're student is going then they'll be getting an Info sheet handed out to them tomorrow night @ Ignite, so make sure your students are there!

We're wrapping up our Reading Romans series...our students will be closing it out by the end of November, but here's a brief recap of what they hit this past Sunday!

Students closed out Chapter 14 and here's a little bit of what they covered:

Ceasing Criticism (Romans 14:13-15)
Paul urged growing Christians to live by the law of love.  Doing so meant to refrain from being critical of other believers and instead choose to so live that one's actions never caused other believers to stumble in their faith.

Pursuing Priorities (Romans 14:16-18)
Mature Christians seek to live by a kingdom perspective, pursuing the qualities of righteousness, peace, and joy rather than insisting on actions about which Christians disagree.

Helping Others Grow (Romans 14:19-21)
Rather than look down on weaker Christians, mature believers needed to seek ways to help them grow in faith.  Such growth might not happen without some sacrifice on the part of the stronger believer.  Thus the apostle challenged mature Christians to humbly do whatever they could to build others up.

Keeping Quiet (Romans 14:22-23)
In the final verses, Paul taught that mature Christians know when to keep disputable matters private.  They might be able to engage in certain actions and behaviors with a clear conscience, but they should not insist on other believers having to accept or practice such actions if those other Christians had doubts in their conscience.

Chapter 14 as a whole is a chapter about what life as a mature Christian should look like in some very practical ways that hopefully will help your students in their walk with the Lord!

Check back tomorrow for an IGNITE update, more details on Focus and some other good stuff!


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