Wednesday, September 28, 2011

IGNITE: Wrapping Up Babel and BIGNITE news for October

Hey Parents,

IGNITE is tonight!  We're excited about a good night up in The Attic!  I hope that you feel it is as important for your students to be at our mid-week Bible study as we do!  Tonight we'll be wrapping up our Babel series which has been great and eye-opening for our students.

You know, most people think teenagers have technology issues.  But if you took away an adult's cell phone, Facebook or Twitter accounts, texting capability or computer access, many of us would find it hard to function.  Technology is a part of all of our lives, not just a student's.  And it's become such a big part, that many of us aren't even conscious of how much we check that phone or Facebook - even in a place you might least expect it.

I recently talked to a friend that had spend a day at Disney World with his family, riding rides and battling crowds at the "Happiest Place on Earth."  Despite his cynicism for over-commercialized places and his frustration about marketing to kids, they had a great day and his kids had a blast.  But there was one thing that distracted him over and over throughout the day.  It wasn't all the teenagers attached to the their cell phones - he actually saw most of the teenagers engaged in real-life conversations with the people around them.

It was the parents.

He couldn't help but notice how many parents of kids all ages were getting off rides and immediately checking their email and text inbox, ripping back responses as they floated behind their kids to the next attraction.  Maybe they were bored out of their minds to be spending the day with their kids, but I doubt that's it.  Maybe they were just distracted at that ONE time at the point he happened to see them ( and he happened to catch about a hundred of them at just the right time).  Or maybe they forgot what boundaries are and how to give their kids the gift of presence.

Brad is not a perfect parent....I'm sure he gets a lot of stuff wrong as He would admit....but the more that he saw of that behavior that day, the more determined he was to completely ignore his phone (and it was his birthday actually!) to be present with his wife and kids.  I have to wonder though: if this is what kids see at Disney World from the adults around them (parents or otherwise), what are we as a culture showing them day after day in our "normal" lives?

I suspect that if we want them to put their phones down every now and then, we have to go first.

Something to think about today!


On Wednesday, October 12 for BIGNITE we'll be traveling up to the Hendersonville/Gallatin area to go to Shuckle's Corn Maze....we'll leave the church at 5:30 that night and return back to the church at 9:00 PM...the cost will be $10 and that will cover their maze ticket and the "Corn Cannon" and hay ride.  Their will be food and beverages available (hot dogs, cokes) for an additional charge so students should eat before unless you are sending them with extra food money.  AS ALWAYS, if you cannot financially cover the cost of your student at this time, please don't let that stand in the way of your student coming....just call or text me at 6158389755 or email me at and we'll take care of it!  Should be a fun night!

Have a great Wednesday and send your students tonight to IGNITE!


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